
Can I Start Orthodontic Treatment After Chemotherapy?

March 11th, 2024

Starting orthodontic treatment after chemotherapy is generally possible, but it's essential to consider the overall health of the patient and consult with both an orthodontist and the oncologist or medical team managing the chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can have systemic effects on the body, including the oral cavity, and it's crucial to ensure that the patient has recovered sufficiently before beginning orthodontic treatment.

Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Consultation with your Oncologist: Before starting any orthodontic treatment, it's crucial to consult with the oncologist who managed the chemotherapy. They can provide insights into the patient's overall health, immune system status, and any specific considerations related to the chemotherapy.
  2. Oral Health Assessment: Chemotherapy can affect the oral cavity, leading to issues such as mucositis, xerostomia (dry mouth), and increased susceptibility to infections. An assessment of the patient's oral health is necessary to determine if they are ready for orthodontic treatment.
  3. Timing of Orthodontic Treatment: The timing of orthodontic treatment should be coordinated with the Oncologist to ensure that the patient is in a stable and healthy condition. Starting treatment too soon after chemotherapy may not be advisable if the patient is still dealing with side effects or complications.
  4. Orthodontic Treatment Planning: The orthodontist will need to carefully plan the treatment based on the individual's oral health, treatment goals, and any specific considerations related to their medical history.
  5. Communication Between Healthcare Providers: It's essential for the orthodontist and oncologist to communicate and coordinate care. This ensures that both aspects of the patient's health are considered in the treatment plan.

Always keep in mind that each individual's case is unique, and decisions about starting orthodontic treatment after chemotherapy should be made on a case-by-case basis. The health and well-being of the patient should be the top priority, and a collaborative approach involving both the orthodontic and medical teams is crucial.

For more information about orthodontic services, or to speak with one of our board-certified specialists, contact us online or call 302-678-3000.